Thursday, June 16, 2011


On Thursday we did science experiments .
Bradley and Connor did a volcano experiment . How did they do it? First they got what they needed to get for the volcano experiment and they used baking powder and vinegar for the volcano eruption.
Tayla and Ilaria did a ballon experiment . They put confetti in the balloon. Then Tayla popped the ballon and the confetti went everywhere. Imagine if this was you sneezing!
Cadey and Brittney did the magnet rubber and they had to play diffrent DVDs and CDs and video tapes.
Brandon and Jacob blew up a ballon by making a yeast mixture and the carbon dioxide that came off it blew up the balloon.
Taine and Daniel made a bed of spikes for a balloon to lie on.
Tia and Cody sucked an egg nearly into a bottle!
Maya and Shania are investigating finger prints.
Kaileb and Eli played tuneful bottle sounds using different water levels.
Jackie and Hannah created lots of electricity.
Jake and Josh played with bubbles.
jasmin and Chantelle created their very own stethoscope.
Adam and Kalum created a hydraulic jack and lifted a book.
Ashley is testing our memories.
Myles and Clay propelled a car with balloon air.
Lily and Alexis made a coin wobble from expansion of air.

Imagine what it was like in our classroom last week!

Eureka on PhotoPeach

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